What is Christianity? Many people ask this same question everyday and wonder why is it one of the largest religions in the world. Christianity was founded millions of years ago. For people who don't know much about this great religion, I hope that I can provide great, fun,and interesting facts about Christianity. You can find more sites at this incredible website on other great world religions.
Jesus Christ was the messiah of the jews also known as the Christ Greek. His followers were called the 12 desciples. Their duty was to go forth and spread his message. They lived in Israel where they passed on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Christians have a lot of Holy books. The greatest one is the bible. Others are, the new testament, hypertext bible, King James bible, the vulgate(latin bible) and the Aprocrypha.
There are many religious holidays that are celebrated. The most important is Christmas which was the day he was born.On christmas, people celebrate by decorating trees with colorful ornaments and bright lights. Then,at 12:00, it's time to open presents from the people that love you most. Next comes Easter(The day he rose from the dead) on this day, you decorate boiled eggs, get prizes and good treats.
Rituals that are important to this religion are the cross, prayer, pictures of Jesus and the Bible. Christianity still plays a major part in the world by, contributing to religious welcomings, meetings, and church related parties.
Robes, and other dressy clothing that is associated with a cross.
I hope my blog on Christianity gave you a hint on this great and special religion. To me I find this religion to be one of the greatest. Your religion may be just as exciting.If you have any great facts about your religion, blog about it. Make it noticeable. You never know what interesting facts you might discover.